First, thank you for this exceptional service to us "crafters." I'd like to know how to make teapot/teacup appliques. I am making a wall-hanging featuring these items. Thank you.
This was a fun question for me! Here is how I make my own fabric appliques ...
Step 1:
Find some fun clip art and print it at the size you want your applique to be. As long as it is for personal use you should be able to use most clip-art without a problem. Read the policies of the web site where you find your art (or your clip art disks). If you are a good artist you can even draw your own.
You can make fun appliques to go on just about anything - I'm thinking of putting some on my jean's pockets now.
Hope this helps!
Love that teapot applique! And you make it look so easy-LOL!
Linda F from FL
What a great idea. You can find lots of free (and okay to use) clips and art outlines at:
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