Thursday, February 15, 2007

How to use saran (plastic) wrap in your art

Lori asks:
What is saran wrap art?

It's not so much a separate art but a method of employing the material IN your art. Saran wrap can be used a couple of different ways. You can use it to make great textural backgrounds with paint. Here are two ways of doing this. One is to paint a background color, let dry, then take a second contrasting color and dip a piece of 'squished' up saran wrap in it and dab it on your piece. The other is to paint your background color, let dry, then paint a second color over it, lay a piece of 'squished' up saran wrap on it and let it dry. When dry pull it off. It should pull off some of the paint and make an intersting background.

Some fabric artists have been playing with making fabric by melting layers of saran wrap together with snippets of thread or fabric in between layers. You do have to use a teflon pressing sheet or parchment paper to keep the saran wrap from adhering to your iron though.

There's probably more you can do but this is all I can think of off the top of my head.

Hope this helps,

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