Monday, June 18, 2007

Can you make two toned glitter -holographic or opalescent

Perry asks:
I'd like to know how to use glitter where it would get a two tone effect where you would see one color on the paper and only one color but when you move the paper at a slight angle you would get a totally different color and only that color until you move the paper back to the first color. I seen this on a car showing a two tone effect. I would like to try this with glitter, because i use glitter in my art&craft projects and thought this would be fun to in my projects. I think a high shiny silver glitter could be used. What are your thoughts on what kind of glitter to use.

What you are describing is an effect that is caused optically and is inherent in the manufacturing process. With glitter it is in the way it is cut. I am not aware of how you can do this with regular glitter. Buy some holographic glitter or opalescent glitter and you should get the effect you are looking for. You can see what I mean here.

Anyone else have any ideas?

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